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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;You work for a large fast food company. As the chain restaurants in Shanghai of your company have become quite successful, your company aims to open new ones in other cities such as Wuhan and Nanchang. Your job is to do some market research in these two cities and report to your managing director.

&8226;Write your report, including the following information:

&8226;advantages for opening new fast food restaurants in these two cities;

&8226;disadvantages for doing so;

&8226;your conclusion from the market research;

&8226;your suggestions for the new project.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.

  1. Question 3

&8226;As China's market economy has been getting more mature gradually, more attention should be paid to customer service, if companies want to maintain sustainable development. The managing director has asked you to suggest ways of improving customer service of your company.

&8226;Write a proposal for the managing director, including the following information:

&8226;reasons for strengthening the customer relations department;

&8226;ways of handling customers' complaints;

&8226;why and how the after-sale service should be improved;

&8226;decision to adopt the policy of "The customer is always right".

&8226;Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.

  1. Question 4

&8226;The department store, which you work for, has been doing so well in sales recently that it needs to replenish its stock with a variety of goods. You've been asked to write a letter to one of your major suppliers about your needs immediately.

&8226;Write your Icier to inform. your supplier of your needs, including the following information:

&8226;showing thanks and appreciation for their cooperation and support all the time;

&8226;the current situation of your sales;

&8226;listing some of the most needed goods;

&8226;the expected time of delivery and the prices of goods as usual.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on the separate paper provided.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;You work for a large fast food company. As the chain restaurants in Shanghai of your company have become quite successful, your company aims to open new ones in other cities such as Wuhan and Nanchang. Your job is to do some market research in these two cities and report to your managing director.

&8226;Write your report, including the following information:

&8226;advantages for opening new fast food restaurants in these two cities;

&8226;disadvantages for doing so;

&8226;your conclusion from the market research;

&8226;your suggestions for the new project.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.

  1. Question 3

&8226;As China's market economy has been getting more mature gradually, more attention should be paid to customer service, if companies want to maintain sustainable development. The managing director has asked you to suggest ways of improving customer service of your company.

&8226;Write a proposal for the managing director, including the following information:

&8226;reasons for strengthening the customer relations department;

&8226;ways of handling customers' complaints;

&8226;why and how the after-sale service should be improved;

&8226;decision to adopt the policy of "The customer is always right".

&8226;Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.

  1. Question 4

&8226;The department store, which you work for, has been doing so well in sales recently that it needs to replenish its stock with a variety of goods. You've been asked to write a letter to one of your major suppliers about your needs immediately.

&8226;Write your Icier to inform. your supplier of your needs, including the following information:

&8226;showing thanks and appreciation for their cooperation and support all the time;

&8226;the current situation of your sales;

&8226;listing some of the most needed goods;

&8226;the expected time of delivery and the prices of goods as usual.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on the separate paper provided.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

How to approach Writing Test Part Two

&8226;In this part you have a choice of three tasks: a report, proposal and piece of business correspondence.

&8226;Look through the three tasks and choose the one which you think you could do most easily.

&8226;Read the task again, underlining the key words. You should note exactly what you are required to do, and who you are writing to.

&8226;The second paragraph of the instructions summarises what you should write, who you are writing it for, and the three or four points that must be included,

&8226;Make an outline plan, with notes for each point. It is best to follow the order of the 3 or 4 points that are stated, as you will lose marks if you leave any out.

&8226;Write your text.

&8226;Try to use a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures.

&8226;You will need to invent some information for this part.

&8226;If you write the report or proposal, you should use suitable headings.

&8226;If you write the business correspondence, you should include suitable openings and closings (e.g. Dear Mrs Smith and Yours sincerely with your signature), but no addresses.

&8226;Make sure the level of formality is appropriate given who you are writing to.

&8226;Check that you have written your answer in 200-250 words.

&8226;After writing, read what you have written, correct mistakes and make improvements. If you want to add anything, use a sign, e.g. *. Put a line through anything you want to omit, You should not rewrite your answer

&8226;Make sure the examiner will be able to read your answer Use a pen and your normal handwriting (do Answer ONE of the questions 2, 3, or 4 below.

  1. &8226;Your company or organisation is considering the best way to improve efficiency.

You have been asked to write a report giving recommendations on this.

&8226;Write the report, outlining some of the problems the company has concerning efficiency and suggesting solutions. Refer to at least two of the following areas:

&8226;staffing levels




&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

  1. &8226;The company you work for faces increasing competition and the managing director has asked you to suggest ways of meeting this challenge.

&8226;Write a proposal for the managing director, including the following information:

&8226;reasons for the increased competition

&8226;ways to increase sales

&8226;any extra resources that might be needed

&8226;any disadvantages there might be.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

  1. &8226;An international fund is offering grants to small businesses to improve their facilities. Your manager has decided to apply and has asked you to write on behalf of the company.

&8226;Write a letter, including the following information:

&8226;a brief background to your company

&8226;which facilities a grant would enable you to improve

&8226;what the future benefits to your company would be.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

How to approach Writing Test Part One

&8226;Part One counts for one third of the total marks in the Writing Test.

&8226;You should spend no more than 15 minutes on Part One.

&8226;You will be asked to write a note, memo, email or message to one or more people in your company

&8226;The first bullet point of the instructions outlines the situation.

&8226;The second bullet point tells you what you should write, who you are writing it for, and the points that must be included.

&8226;It is best to follow the order of the points that are required, as you will lose marks if you leave out any of them.


&8226;Read the instructions carefully so that you know what to do, and underline the key words.


&8226;Express yourself briefly and clearly

&8226;For a memo or email you don't need to include to, from, date or subject.

&8226;Try to use a range of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures.

&8226;Make the language suitable for the reader(s).


&8226;After writing, read what you have written, correct mistakes and make improvements. If you want to add anything, use a sign, e.g. *. Put a line through anything you want to omit. Don't rewrite the whole of your answer

&8226;Make sure the examiner will be able to read your answer. Use a pen and your normal handwriting (do not write in capital letters).

&8226;Check that you have written your answer in 40 50 words.

&8226;You are the manager of the marketing department in your company. A new assistant manager has recently been appointed and will start work soon.

&8226;Write an email to all staff in the department:

&8226;explaining the need for the appointment

&8226;saying when the assistant manager will start work

&8226;describing the experience the assistant manager has.

&8226;Write 40 - 50 words.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

How to approach Speaking Test Part Three

&8226;In this part of the test you work with the other candidate. The examiner gives you a scenario and a task to discuss. You need to have a serious discussion of the task, with the type of interaction which would be appropriate to a work environment.

&8226;You and the other candidate should try to imagine yourselves in a work environment, faced with a real situation to discuss, on which you should try to reach some decisions.

&8226;You have about 30 seconds to prepare your ideas. Use this time to ensure you understand the task. Ask the examiner to explain anything you are unsure of.

&8226;Listen to the other candidate and respond to what they say. Do not just give your own opinions, or simply agree with the other candidate.

&8226;Try to make more than just basic comments.

&8226;Following your discussion with the other candidate, the examiner will ask you questions on the same topic. Develop your answers, and give examples to show what you mean. Listen to what the other candidate says.

  1. Practise discussing this task and answering the questions that follow.

Promotional video

The company you work for has decided to produce a promotional video about the company and its activities.

You have been asked to make suggestions about the video. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

&8226;which aspects of the company should be shown in the film

&8226;which members of staff should appear in the film.

Follow-up questions:

&8226;Have you seen examples of effective promotional videos?

&8226;What are the advantages to a company of having a promotional video?

&8226;What other forms of promotion are effective?

&8226;Might there be some forms of promotion which would not be effective?

&8226;Do you think technology is changing the ways companies promote themselves?

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;Read the following advertisement for sales manager.


A leading international trading company requires enthusiastic and herd-working sales manager to exploit its business in Chine.

For more details, please write to

Mr. Zhang

Personnel Manager

Dafu Company

150, Effeit Street


&8226;Write a letter to Mr. Zhang asking for an interview.

&8226;Include some information about yourself:

&8226;your interest in the job;

&8226;your education;

&8226;your experience.

&8226;Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not include postal address.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;Read part of a letter below from James French, a local publisher.

We are preparing a directory of information about businesses in the area. Would it be possible to arrange a convenient time to interview you about your company?

Could you let me know as soon as possible what your company's major activities are, to help in planning the organisation of the directory?

&8226;Write a letter to James French:

&8226;agreeing to his request for an interview

&8226;giving details of what your company does

&8226;saying why you would like your company included in the directory

&8226;asking when the directory will be published.

&8226;Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not include any postal addresses.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

Practise discussing this task, and the questions which follow it, with a partner:


The organisation you work for plans to review the training it currently provides for staff and to make improvements. You are part of the team that has been appointed to contribute to the review.

Discuss, and decide together:

&8226;how to evaluate the training currently provided

&8226;how to set about meeting training needs

Follow-up questions:

&8226;Do you think all members of a company should receive training?

&8226;Are there types of training which are not appropriate for a company to provide for staff?

&8226;What training would you most like to receive?

&8226;How can the effectiveness of training be measured?

&8226;Do you think the kinds of training that companies provide will change in the future?

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;You are going to attend an international conference on HR management in Geneva soon.

&8226;Write a memo to your assistant

&8226;explaining why you will be away,

&8226;letting her know the dates you will be away,

&8226;saying what work she should do while you are away.

&8226;Write 30-40 WOrds.

&8226;Write on your Answer Sheet.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;You are unable to attend an important meeting in your department as you will be visiting an International Trade Fair.

&8226;Write a memo to the manager who has organized the meeting;

&8226;Apologizing for not being able to attend the meeting;

&8226;Explaining why you will be absent;

&8226;Saying when you will return to the department.

&8226;Write 40-50 words.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

How to approach Writing Test Part One

&8226;This part tests your ability to write a short report expressing information which you are given in graphic form, such as bar charts, pie charts and graphs.

&8226;Read the instructions carefully so that you know what you are required to do: this is usually to describe or compare the information in the graphic input. Underline the keywords in the instructions.

&8226;Make an outline plan of the report.

&8226;Start with a brief description of what the report is about.

&8226;You can use suitable headings if you wish.

&8226;Try to use a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures.

&8226;You should not invent any information for this part.

&8226;Check that you have written your answer in 120-140 words (multiply the number of lines by the average number of words per line: don't waste time counting every word).

&8226;After writing, read what you have written, correct mistakes and make improvements. If you want to add anything, use a sign, e.g. *. Put a line through anything you want to omit. You should not rewrite your answer.

&8226;Make sure the examiner will be able to read your answer. Use a pen and your normal handwriting (do not write in capital letters).

&8226;You should spend about 20-25 minutes on this part.

  1. Question 1

&8226;The charts on the opposite page show responses to questions in a recent survey of 100 independent consultants, about their age, type of business activity and marketing tools.

? Using the information from the graphs, write a short report describing the situation for independent consultants.

? Write 120 - 140 words.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

• Jame Lewis, your boss, has called a meeting on Thursday, but you cannot attend because you will be away at a conference.
• Write a short note to your boss
• apologising for your absence
• explaining why you will be away
• saying where the conference is.
• Write about 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;You are the Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary

&8226;Write a memo to your secretary:

&8226;telling her who you are going to see and when

&8226;asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation

&8226;telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.

&8226;Write 40-50 words.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;You are a sales manager and you want to arrange a meeting with your team at the end of the month.

&8226;Write an email to your team:

&8226;explaining the purpose of the sales meeting

&8226;saying how they should prepare for the meeting

&8226;telling them what they should do if they cannot attend.

&8226;Write 40--50 words.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

How to approach Speaking Test Part Two

&8226;In this part of the test you give a short talk (approximately one minute) on a business topic.

&8226;You choose one of three topics. Each one is in the form. of a question beginning What is important when ... ? There will be two words or phrases to help you develop your ideas, but it isn't essential to use these.

&8226;You have I minute to prepare your ideas. In this time make brief notes to give you a structure and some key words.

&8226;When you talk, make the structure clear, for example by giving a brief introduction and conclusion, and using linking words and phrases to introduce each section.

&8226;Speak to both the examiner and the other candidate, and listen to what the other candidate says. You will have to ask the other candidate a question about their presentation after they have spoken.

&8226;Remember that you are being tested on your ability to speak in English, not on your knowledge of specific areas of business, so if you don't know much about a topic, just say what you can about it.

  1. Practise preparing short talks on the topics below and on the next page.

Task Sheet One


Advertising a product or service

  • Appropriate media
  • Competition




Preparing to attend a conference

  • Information about the speakers
  • Planning the journey




Setting targets

  • Staff morale
  • Planning



  1. Task Sheet Two


Managing staff

  • Motivation
  • Experience




Attracting investment

  • Strategic planning
  • Public relations




Preparing for a product launch

  • People involved
  • Costs



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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】


《礼记••••••••••祭统》云:“凡治人之道,莫急于礼;礼有五经,莫重于祭。”《国语• 晋语》曰:“同


A.道德规范 B.宗法关系 C.战争祭祀D.儒学思想

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;You work in an import and export company. Your department manager has asked you to write a reply letter concerning wrong delivery. He has written his comments on the letter.

&8226;Read the letter below, on which the manager has written his comments.

&8226;Then, using all these handwritten comments, write your letter.

&8226;Write 120-140 words.

&8226;Write on the separate answer paper provided.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;You work for SuperSonic Industries Group Corp. You have been asked to write a report to the Board of Directors.

&8226;Study the graphs below, on which you have made some handwritten notes.

&8226;Then, using all these handwritten notes, write your report.

&8226;Write 120-140 words.

&8226;Write on the separate answer paper provided.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;Mr. Zhang, your boss, told you to ask Ms Liu to attend a sales presentation on a new product.

&8226;Write a note to Ms. Liu:

&8226;saying who wants her to attend the sales presentation;

&8226;informing her when and where the sales presentation will be held.

&8226;Write about 30 - 40 words on your Answer Sheet.

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【如果该结果不符合,请 往下拉 需要的结果可能在下面】

&8226;Read the invitation card below.

Mr Wang Changwen

Requests the pleasure of the company of

Mr & Mrs Robert Li

At dinner

At 7:00 p.m. on Friday, 31 st December

At the Guest House, the Friendship Hotel

R.S.V.P Telephone: 2558330

&8226;Write a letter to Mr Wang:


&8226;explaining that you will go to a pop music concert with LiMing

&8226;expressing your thanks for the invitation.

&8226;Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not include any postal addresses.

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